Annual – Euro area (changing composition) – Assumptions – Interest rate – Target period ends 15 months after survey cycle begins – Quarterly – Forecaster 6

Series ID: [ECB/SPF/A.U2.ASSU.IR.P15M.Q.006]
Frequency: annual


Frequency [FREQ]
Annual [A]
Reference area [REF_AREA]
Euro area (changing composition) [U2]
Forecast topic [FCT_TOPIC]
Assumptions [ASSU]
Forecast histograph breakdown [FCT_BREAKDOWN]
Interest rate [IR]
Forecast horizon [FCT_HORIZON]
Target period ends 15 months after survey cycle begins [P15M]
Frequency of the survey [SURVEY_FREQ]
Quarterly [Q]
Forecaster identifier [FCT_SOURCE]
Forecaster 6 [006]