Methane - Main Activity Electricity and Heat Production - Antigua and Barbuda - Rest Central America - Gigagrams - Annually

Series ID: [JRC/CH4/CH4.1_A_1_a.All.ATG.rest_central_america.Gg.A]
Frequency: annual


Gas [gas]
Methane [CH4]
Unit [unit]
Gigagrams [Gg]
IPCC 2006 codes for specification of the sector [ipcc2006]
Main Activity Electricity and Heat Production [1_A_1_a]
IPCC 1996 codes for specification of the sector [ipcc1996]
ALL [All]
Country [country]
Antigua and Barbuda [ATG]
World region [world]
Rest Central America [rest_central_america]
Frequency [freq]
Annually [A]