annual – Nord-ovest – enterprises with innovation activities (Oslo Manual, 2005) – total industry and services (b-f, g, h, k, 58 , 61 to 63, 70 to 74) – 10 and over – all items – all items – all items – all items – all items

Frequency: annual


Frequency [FREQ]
annual [A]
Territory [REF_AREA]
Nord-ovest [ITC]
Indicator [DATA_TYPE]
enterprises with innovation activities (Oslo Manual, 2005) [POPI]
Economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) [ECON_ACTIVITY_NACE_2007]
total industry and services (b-f, g, h, k, 58 , 61 to 63, 70 to 74) [00100]
Size classes of persons employed [PERS_EMPL_SIZE_CLASS]
10 and over [W_GE10]
Information on the innovative enterprises [INFO_INNOV_ENTERPRISES]
all items [ALL]
Enterprises goals [ENTERPRISE_GOALS]
all items [ALL]
Enterprises strategies [ENTERPRISES_STRATEGIES]
all items [ALL]
Obstacles [OBSTACLES]
all items [ALL]
Degree of importance [DEGREE_IMPORTANCE]
all items [ALL]