annual – Italy – high school graduates (percent composition) – total (9) – total – total – total – total (99) – total (99) – total – total – all items – achieved a university and not continuing their studies – all items

Frequency: annual


Frequency [FREQ]
annual [A]
Territory [REF_AREA]
Italy [IT]
Indicator [DATA_TYPE]
high school graduates (percent composition) [GRAD_P]
Sex [SEX]
total [9]
Age at the survey time [AGE_SURVEY_TIME]
total [TOTAL]
Citizenship [CITIZENSHIP]
total [TOTAL]
Living arrangement [LIVING_ARRANGEMENT]
total [TOT]
Father's level of education [EDU_LEV_FATHER]
total [99]
Mother's level of education [EDU_LEV_MOTHER]
total [99]
Type of upper secondary school [TYPE_SCHOOL]
total [ALL]
Private or public school [KIND_OF_OWNER_SCHOOL]
total [ALL]
Vocational training courses after diploma [COURSES_AFTER_DIPLOMA]
all items [ALL]
University [UNIVERSITY]
achieved a university and not continuing their studies [NOCONT_ST]
Non-university tertiary education [NON_UNIV_TERT_EDUC]
all items [ALL]