annual – Italy – granted separations – Total – Total – Total – Total – 15 years and over – 15 years and over – 35-39 years – 15 years and over – all items

Frequency: annual


Frequency [FREQ]
annual [A]
Territory [REF_AREA]
Italy [IT]
Indicator [DATA_TYPE]
granted separations [NGS]
Husband place of birth [HUSBAND_PLACE_BIRTH]
Total [ITTOT]
Wife place of birth [WIFE_PLACE_BIRTH]
Total [ITTOT]
Husband place of residence [HUSBAND_RESID]
Total [ITTOT]
Wife place of residence [WIFE_RESID]
Total [ITTOT]
Husband age class at separation [AGE_HUSB_SEPAR]
15 years and over [Y_GE15]
Wife age class at separation [AGE_WIFE_SEPARATION]
15 years and over [Y_GE15]
Husband age class at marriage [AGE_HUSB_MARRIAGE]
35-39 years [Y35-39]
Wife age class at marriage [AGE_WIFE_MARRIEAGE]
15 years and over [Y_GE15]
Year of marriage [YEAR_MARRIAGE]
all items [ALL]