annual – Bolzano/Bozen (021008) – marriages – civil – all items – year – 16 years and over – total (99) – total (99) – 16 years and over – total (99) – total (99)

Series ID: [ISTAT/24_186_DF_DCIS_MATRDEMO_14/A.021008.MARRG_FROM2017.CIVIL.ALL.YEAR.Y_GE16.99.99.Y_GE16.99.99]
Frequency: annual


Frequency [FREQ]
annual [A]
Territory [REF_AREA]
Bolzano/Bozen [021008]
Indicator [DATA_TYPE]
marriages [MARRG_FROM2017]
Rite of marriage celebration [MARRIAGE_RITE]
civil [CIVIL]
Marital property systems [MARIT_PROPER_SYSTEMS]
all items [ALL]
Month of celebration [MONTH_CELEBRATION]
year [YEAR]
Age at marriage bridegroom [AGE_MARRIAGE_BRIDEGROOM]
16 years and over [Y_GE16]
Marital status bridegroom [MARITAL_STATUS_BRIDEGRO]
total [99]
Education level bridegroom [EDU_LEV_BRIDEGROOM]
total [99]
Age at marriage bride [AGE_MARRIAGE_BRIDE]
16 years and over [Y_GE16]
Marital status bride [MARITAL_STATUS_BRIDE]
total [99]
Education level bride [EDU_LEV_BRIDE]
total [99]