annual – Italy – men partners – total (T) – all items – year – 18 years and over – total (ALL) – total (99) – 18 years and over – total (ALL) – total (99) – 18 years – 1999 – single persons (never married and never in same sex civil partnership)

Frequency: annual


Frequency [FREQ]
annual [A]
Territory [REF_AREA]
Italy [IT]
Indicator [DATA_TYPE]
men partners [MENPART]
Gender [SEX]
total [T]
Property systems [PROPERTY_SYSTEMS]
all items [ALL]
Month of constitution [MONTH_OF_CONSTITUTION]
year [YEAR]
Age at civil partnership partner 1 [AGE_CIVIL_PARTNER1]
18 years and over [Y_GE18]
Marital status partner 1 [MARITAL_STATUS_PARTNER1]
total [ALL]
Education level partner 1 [EDU_LEVEL_PARTNER1]
total [99]
Age at civil partnership partner 2 [AGE_CIVIL_PARTNER2]
18 years and over [Y_GE18]
Marital status partner 2 [MARITAL_STATUS_PARTNER2]
total [ALL]
Education level partner 2 [EDU_LEVEL_PARTNER2]
total [99]
Age at civil partnership [AGE_CIVIL_PARTNERSHIP]
18 years [Y18]
Year of birth [YEAR_OF_BIRTH]
1999 [1999]
Marital status [MARITAL_STATUS]
single persons (never married and never in same sex civil partnership) [SIN]