annual – Italy – number of outworkers of active enterprises (annual average values) – TOTAL – total – totale – total – total – males (1) – 15-29 years – Extra-EU – 10,000.00-24,999.99 eur – total

Series ID: [ISTAT/183_207_DF_DICA_AESTCP_3/A.IT.AENTOUTWAA.0010.TOTAL.TOT.TOTAL.9.1.Y15-29.EXT_EU.E10000-24999_99.TOTAL]
Frequency: annual


Frequency [FREQ]
annual [A]
Territory [REF_AREA]
Italy [IT]
Indicator [DATA_TYPE]
number of outworkers of active enterprises (annual average values) [AENTOUTWAA]
Economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) [ECON_ACTIVITY_NACE_2007]
TOTAL [0010]
Size classes of persons employed [PERS_EMPL_SIZE_CLASS]
total [TOTAL]
Legal form [LEGAL_FORM]
totale [TOT]
Enterprise age [AGE_ENTERPRISE]
total [TOTAL]
Enterprise with employees [Y_ENTER_WITH_EMPLOYEES]
total [9]
Sex [SEX]
males [1]
Age [AGE]
15-29 years [Y15-29]
Country of birth [COUNTRY_BIRTH]
Extra-EU [EXT_EU]
Annual income class [ANNUAL_INCOME_CLASS]
10,000.00-24,999.99 eur [E10000-24999_99]
Work period carried out in the year [WORKPERIOD_INTHEYEAR]
total [TOTAL]