annual – Italy – unemployed persons 15 years and more (thousands) – males (1) – 15-74 years – total (99) – total – unemployed persons ex-inactive (2B) – total

Series ID: [ISTAT/151_929/A.IT.UNEMP.1.Y15-74.99.TOTAL.2B.TOTAL]
Frequency: annual


Frequency [FREQ]
annual [A]
Territory [REF_AREA]
Italy [IT]
Indicator [DATA_TYPE]
unemployed persons 15 years and more (thousands) [UNEMP]
Sex [SEX]
males [1]
Age [AGE]
15-74 years [Y15-74]
Highest level of education attained [EDU_LEV_HIGHEST]
total [99]
Citizenship [CITIZENSHIP]
total [TOTAL]
Labour status [LABPROF_STATUS_A]
unemployed persons ex-inactive [2B]
Duration of unemployment [DURATION_UNEMPLOYMENT]
total [TOTAL]