annual – Liguria – farms with organic farming – totale – total – all items – total – all items – all items – all items – all items – total (99) – all items related to holding labour force – All countries of the world – all items – all items

Frequency: annual


Frequency [FREQ]
annual [A]
Territory [REF_AREA]
Liguria [ITC3]
Indicator [DATA_TYPE]
farms with organic farming [FARMS_ORGANIC]
Legal form [LEGAL_FORM]
totale [TOT]
Form of management [MANAGEMENT_FORM]
total [TOT]
Land ownership [LAND_OWNERSHIP]
all items [ALL]
Class of agricoltural area [AGRI_AREA_CLASS]
total [TOT]
Type of crop [TYPE_OF_CROP]
all items [ALL]
Type of herd [TYPE_OF_HERD]
all items [ALL]
Gainful activities [GAINFUL_ACTIVITIES]
all items [ALL]
Kind of renewable energy [KIND_OF_RENEW_ENERGY]
all items [ALL]
Farm manager educational level [EDU_LEV_FARM_MAN]
total [99]
Labour force category [LABOUR_FORCE_CATEG]
all items related to holding labour force [THLF]
Nationality of labour force [NAT_LAB_FORCE]
All countries of the world [WORLD]
Ownership and use of mechanical means [QWN_USE_MECH_MEANS]
all items [ALL]
Type of mechanical means [TYPE_OF_MECH_MEANS]
all items [ALL]