Afghanistan – LFS - Labour Force Survey (BA_15715) – Status in employment (Aggregate): Employees – Economic activity (ISIC-Rev.4), 2 digit level: 05 - Mining of coal and lignite – Sex: Total – Annual

Frequency: annual


Reference area [ref_area]
Afghanistan [AFG]
Source [source]
LFS - Labour Force Survey [BA_15715]
Classification 1 [classif1]
Status in employment (Aggregate): Employees [STE_AGGREGATE_EES]
Classification 2 [classif2]
Economic activity (ISIC-Rev.4), 2 digit level: 05 - Mining of coal and lignite [EC2_ISIC4_B05]
Sex [sex]
Sex: Total [SEX_T]
Frequency [frequency]
Annual [A]