Annual – Females, 16 to 74 years old – Individuals with basic or above basic overall digital skills (all five component indicators are at basic or above basic level) – Percentage of individuals – Bosnia and Herzegovina

Series ID: [Eurostat/sdg_04_70/A.F_Y16_74.I_DSK2_BAB.PC_IND.BA]
Frequency: annual


Time frequency [freq]
Annual [A]
Individual type [ind_type]
Females, 16 to 74 years old [F_Y16_74]
Information society indicator [indic_is]
Individuals with basic or above basic overall digital skills (all five component indicators are at basic or above basic level) [I_DSK2_BAB]
Unit of measure [unit]
Percentage of individuals [PC_IND]
Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo]
Bosnia and Herzegovina [BA]