Quarterly – Percentage – Unadjusted data (i.e. neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data) – Gross investment rate of non-financial corporations (P51/B1G*100) – Non-financial corporations – Hungary

Series ID: [Eurostat/nasq_10_ki/Q.PC.NSA.IRG_S11.S11.HU]
Frequency: quarterly


Time frequency [freq]
Quarterly [Q]
Unit of measure [unit]
Percentage [PC]
Seasonal adjustment [s_adj]
Unadjusted data (i.e. neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data) [NSA]
National accounts indicator (ESA 2010) [na_item]
Gross investment rate of non-financial corporations (P51/B1G*100) [IRG_S11]
Sector [sector]
Non-financial corporations [S11]
Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo]
Hungary [HU]