Annual – Total – Age in completed years – Candidate countries in 2013 (5 countries) except reporting country and Iceland – Number – Females – Cyprus

Series ID: [Eurostat/migr_imm10ctb/A.TOTAL.COMPLET.CC5_13_FOR_X_IS.NR.F.CY]
Frequency: annual


Time frequency [freq]
Annual [A]
Age class [age]
Total [TOTAL]
Age definition [agedef]
Age in completed years [COMPLET]
Country/region of birth [c_birth]
Candidate countries in 2013 (5 countries) except reporting country and Iceland [CC5_13_FOR_X_IS]
Unit of measure [unit]
Number [NR]
Sex [sex]
Females [F]
Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo]
Cyprus [CY]