Annual – Thousand persons – Any change to increase income – Cities – Females – From 18 to 24 years – France

Series ID: [Eurostat/lfso_18ceffdu/A.THS_PER.CHG_INCR_INC.DEG1.F.Y18-24.FR]
Frequency: annual


Frequency [FREQ]
Annual [A]
Unit of measure [unit]
Thousand persons [THS_PER]
Effects on employment [effemp]
Any change to increase income [CHG_INCR_INC]
Degree of urbanisation [deg_urb]
Cities [DEG1]
Sex [sex]
Females [F]
Age class [age]
From 18 to 24 years [Y18-24]
Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo]
France [FR]