Annual – Number – Head, not further specified      – From 14 to 20 days – Agriculture; industry and construction (except mining); services of the business economy – Cyprus

Series ID: [Eurostat/hsw_mi06/A.NR.BP1.D14-20.A_C-N.CY]
Frequency: annual


Time frequency [freq]
Annual [A]
Unit of measure [unit]
Number [NR]
Part of body injured [bodypart]
Head, not further specified      [BP1]
Severity (days lost) [severity]
From 14 to 20 days [D14-20]
Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE Rev. 2) [nace_r2]
Agriculture; industry and construction (except mining); services of the business economy [A_C-N]
Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo]
Cyprus [CY]