Annual – Tonnes of O2 per day – Design capacity BOD5 – Urban and other wastewater treatment plants - primary treatment – Rhine - RBD (CH)

Series ID: [Eurostat/env_wwcap_rb/A.O2_TD.CAPAC.URB_OTH_T1.CH_RHI]
Frequency: annual


Frequency [FREQ]
Annual [A]
Unit of measure [unit]
Tonnes of O2 per day [O2_TD]
Wastewater treatment plant parameters [ww_tpar]
Design capacity BOD5 [CAPAC]
Wastewater treatment plants [ww_tp]
Urban and other wastewater treatment plants - primary treatment [URB_OTH_T1]
River Basin Districts (RBD) [rbd]
Rhine - RBD (CH) [CH_RHI]