Quarterly – Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2023 – Neither seasonally nor working day adjusted – EU Commission, DG-ECFIN – Consumer survey - quantitative price trends over last 12 months - 1st quartile – Age of respondent 50-64

Series ID: [ECB/SUR/Q.I9.N.ECFIN.CNS051_25.A3]
Frequency: quarterly


Frequency [FREQ]
Quarterly [Q]
Reference area [REF_AREA]
Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2023 [I9]
Adjustment indicator [ADJUSTMENT]
Neither seasonally nor working day adjusted [N]
Survey source [SURVEY_SOURCE]
EU Commission, DG-ECFIN [ECFIN]
Survey item [SURVEY_ITEM]
Consumer survey - quantitative price trends over last 12 months - 1st quartile [CNS051_25]
Survey breakdown [SURVEY_BRKDWN]
Age of respondent 50-64 [A3]