Monthly – Euro area (moving concept in the Real Time database context) – Neither seasonally nor working day adjusted – Monetary aggregate M3 - Base Money (index of notional stock), all currencies combined - MFIs, central government and post office giro institutions reporting sector - Euro area counterpart, Non-MFIs excluding central government sector - outstanding amounts – Annual growth rate

Series ID: [ECB/RTD/M.S0.N.M_M3BM_V_NC.A]
Frequency: monthly


Frequency [FREQ]
Monthly [M]
Reference area [REF_AREA]
Euro area (moving concept in the Real Time database context) [S0]
Adjustment indicator [ADJUSTMENT]
Neither seasonally nor working day adjusted [N]
Real time database item [RT_ECON_CONCEPT]
Monetary aggregate M3 - Base Money (index of notional stock), all currencies combined - MFIs, central government and post office giro institutions reporting sector - Euro area counterpart, Non-MFIs excluding central government sector - outstanding amounts [M_M3BM_V_NC]
Real time database series denomination [RT_DENOM]
Annual growth rate [A]