Monthly – European Central Bank (ECB) – Neither seasonally nor working day adjusted – Outstanding amounts at the end of the period (stocks) – Financial account, Official reserve assets, foreign currency reserves (in convertible foreign currencies), total currency and deposits – All currencies – Extra Euro area – Euro

Series ID: [ECB/RA/M.4F.N.8.808.N.U4.E]
Frequency: monthly


Frequency [FREQ]
Monthly [M]
Reference area [REF_AREA]
European Central Bank (ECB) [4F]
Adjustment indicator [ADJUSTMENT]
Neither seasonally nor working day adjusted [N]
Data type - BoP related data [DATA_TYPE_BOP]
Outstanding amounts at the end of the period (stocks) [8]
Balance of Payment item [BOP_ITEM]
Financial account, Official reserve assets, foreign currency reserves (in convertible foreign currencies), total currency and deposits [808]
Currency breakdown [CURR_BRKDWN]
All currencies [N]
Counterpart area [COUNT_AREA]
Extra Euro area [U4]
Series denominat/spec calcul [SERIES_DENOM]
Euro [E]