Germany – Acquisitions less disposals of tang. fixed assets – Price-adjusted, chain-linked volume data (bn EUR) – Gross fixed capital formation (GFCF)

Series ID: [DESTATIS/81000BJ109/DG.VGR-AIG-01.VGRPVK.VGR041]
Frequency: annual


Germany [DINSG]
Germany [DG]
Gross fixed capital formation, product groups [VGRAIG]
Acquisitions less disposals of tang. fixed assets [VGR-AIG-01]
Price base (current prices / price-adjusted) [VGRPB5]
Price-adjusted, chain-linked volume data (bn EUR) [VGRPVK]
Indicator [ind]
Gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) [VGR041]