Mining of coal and lignite - 10 to 49 employees - Compensation of employees - Germany - Labour costs per full-time equivalent

Series ID: [DESTATIS/62411B4101/WZ08-05.ARBNA0010B0049.EU-D1.DG.AKO001]
Frequency: annual


Frequency [freq]
Annual [A]
Unit [unit]
Euros [eur]
Indicator [ind]
Labour costs per full-time equivalent [AKO001]
WZ2008 (selected items): Labour cost survey [WZ08D3]
Mining of coal and lignite [WZ08-05]
Enterprise size classes [UGKL01]
10 to 49 employees [ARBNA0010B0049]
Types of labour costs [AKEA01]
Compensation of employees [EU-D1]
Germany [DINSG]
Germany [DG]