Outstanding amounts (volumes) of German banks / Loans to households with maturity of over 2 years, residual maturity over 2 years, interest rate reset in the next 24 months / SUD040

Series ID: [BUBA/BBIM1/M.DE.B.A20.HHL.B.A.2250.EUR.O]
Frequency: monthly


Frequency (BBk) [BBK_STD_FREQ]
Monthly [M]
Area (countries, list of countries), BBk only [BBK_STD_AREA]
Germany [DE]
BS reference sector breakdown [BBK_IRM_REF_SEC]
Credit and other institutions (MFI except MMFs and central banks) [B]
Balance sheet item [BBK_IRM_ITEM]
Loans [A20]
Original maturity [BBK_BS_MATURITY_ORIG]
Original maturity over 2 years, remaining maturity over 2 years and interest rate reset within the next 24 months [HHL]
MFI interest rate data type [BBK_IRM_DATA_TYPE]
Business volume [B]
Amount category [BBK_IRM_AMOUNT_CAT]
Total [A]
Counterpart Sector [BBK_BS_COUNT_SEC]
Households & Non-Profit institutions serving households [2251 & 2252] [2250]
Area (ISO currency codes, list of currencies) [BBK_STD_CURRENCY]
Euro [EUR]
IR business coverage [BBK_IRM_BUS_COV]
Outstanding amounts [O]