External position of the Bundesbank - Assets - Other Investment - Currency and deposits - Assets relating to the transfer of reserve assets to the ECB

Series ID: [BUBA/BBFI1/M.N.DE.4F.S121.S1.LE.A.FA.O.F2.L._T.N.N]
Frequency: monthly


Frequency (BBk) [BBK_STD_FREQ]
Monthly [M]
Unadjusted figure [N]
Area (countries, list of countries), BBk only [BBK_STD_REF_AREA]
Germany [DE]
Area (countries, list of countries), BBk only [BBK_ES_COUNTERPART_AREA]
ECB (European Central Bank) [4F]
Resident sector of the compiling economy [BBK_ES_REF_SECTOR]
Central bank [S121]
Resident sector of the compiling economy [BBK_ES_COUNTERPART_SECTOR]
Total economy [S1]
Transaction flow, position (stock), or a change in position not due to transactions [BBK_ES_FLOW_STOCK_ENTRY]
Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks [LE]
Accounting entry (asset, liability, net) [BBK_ES_ACCOUNTING_ENTRY]
Assets (Net Acquisition of) [A]
International account item [BBK_ES_INT_ACC_ITEM]
Financial account [FA]
Functional category [BBK_ES_FUNCTIONAL_CAT]
Other Investment [O]
Type of financial instrument [BBK_ES_INSTR_ASSETS_CLASSIF]
Currency and deposits [F2]
Original maturity [BBK_ES_MATURITY_ORIG]
Long-term original maturity (over 1 year or no stated maturity) [L]
Area (ISO currency codes, list of currencies) [BBK_STD_CURRENCY]
All currencies of denomination (according to BPM6) [_T]
Method of valuation [BBK_ES_VALUATION]
Nominal value [N]
Compilation methodology [BBK_ESBOP_COMP_METHOD]
Compilation methodology applied for national statistics [N]