Index of exchange rate effects on IIP Assets Direct investment Total Total economy (S1)

Series ID: [BUBA/BBEE5/Q.DE._T.A.S1.D.F._Z.I.000]
Frequency: quarterly


Frequency (BBk) [BBK_STD_FREQ]
Quarterly [Q]
Area (countries, list of countries), BBk only [BBK_STD_REF_AREA]
Germany [DE]
Area (ISO currency codes, list of currencies) [BBK_STD_CURRENCY]
All currencies of denomination (according to BPM6) [_T]
Accounting entry (asset, liability, net) [BBK_ES_ACCOUNTING_ENTRY]
Assets (Net Acquisition of) [A]
Resident sector of the compiling economy [BBK_ES_REF_SECTOR]
Total economy [S1]
Functional category [BBK_ES_FUNCTIONAL_CAT]
Direct investment [D]
Type of financial instrument [BBK_ES_INSTR_ASSETS_CLASSIF]
Total financial assets/liabilities [F]
Original maturity [BBK_ES_MATURITY_ORIG]
Not applicable [_Z]
Type code list [BBK_EREI_TYPE]
Index [I]
Suffix (Indices of exchange rate effects on IIP) code list [BBK_EREI_SUFFIX]
All users [000]