Price Indicators (As per the latest publication of the system of indicators for the German property market) / Purchase price/annual rent ratio of freehold apartments in Germany (for 127 cities)

Series ID: [BUBA/BBDY1/A.B10.N.G250.P0610.A]
Frequency: annual


Frequency (BBk) [BBK_STD_FREQ]
Annual [A]
Group Of Indicators [BBK_DOSR_GROUP]
Price Indicators (As per the latest publication of the system of indicators for the German property market) [B10]
Unadjusted figure [N]
Name Of Slide [BBK_DOSR_SLIDE]
Price-to-rent ratio for apartments in Germany [G250]
Original Name Of Time Series [BBK_DOSR_NAME]
Purchase price/annual rent ratio of freehold apartments in Germany (for 127 cities) [P0610]
Series suffix (Germany) [BBK_DO_SUFFIX]
Free [A]