Employed persons according to ESA 2010 / Germany / Domestic concept / Absolute value / Calendar and seasonally adjusted

Series ID: [BUBA/BBDL1/M.DE.Y.EMP.EAA000.A0000.A00.D10.0.ABA.A]
Frequency: monthly


Frequency (BBk) [BBK_STD_FREQ]
Monthly [M]
Area (countries, list of countries), BBk only [BBK_STD_AREA_WORLD]
Germany [DE]
Calendar and seasonally adjusted [Y]
Navigation Labour market [BBK_DOLM_NAVIGATION]
Employment and labour force [EMP]
Labour market concept [BBK_DOLM_CONCEPT]
Employed persons according to ESA 2010 [EAA000]
Labor market age/gender [BBK_DOLM_AGEGENDER]
Men and women, total [A0000]
Jurisdiction Labour market [BBK_DOLM_JURISDICTION]
Total [A00]
Nationality Labour market [BBK_DOLM_NATIONALITY]
Domestic concept [D10]
Range Labour market [BBK_DOLM_RANGE]
Total [0]
Basis (Germany) [BBK_DO_BASIS]
Absolute value [ABA]
Series suffix (Germany) [BBK_DO_SUFFIX]
Free [A]