Withdrawals from or transfers to (-) reserves and participation rights capital including profit/loss (-) brought forward / Building and loan associations

Series ID: [BUBA/BBBP1/A.DE.N.BA.K110.X.1.Z5.0000.Z01.D]
Frequency: annual


Frequency (BBk) [BBK_STD_FREQ]
Annual [A]
Area (countries, list of countries), BBk only [BBK_STD_AREA]
Germany [DE]
Unadjusted figure [N]
Reference sector breakdown [BBK_BS_REF_SEC]
Building and loan associations [BA]
Profit/Loss Item [BBK_BSPL_ITEM]
Withdrawals from or transfers to (-) reserves and participation rights capital including profit/loss (-) brought forward [K110]
Original maturity [BBK_BS_MATURITY_ORIG]
Not applicable [X]
Data type [BBK_BS_DATA_TYPE]
Outstanding amounts at the end of the period (stocks) [1]
Area (countries, list of countries), BBk only [BBK_BS_COUNT_AREA]
World not allocated (geographically) [Z5]
Counterpart Sector [BBK_BS_COUNT_SEC]
Unspecified counterpart sector [0000]
Area (ISO currency codes, list of currencies) [BBK_STD_CURRENCY]
All currencies [Z01]