Monthly amounts outstanding of monetary financial institutions' sterling and all foreign currency M3 (UK estimate of EMU aggregate) liabilities to private and public sectors (in sterling millions) not seasonally adjusted

Series ID: [BOE/7989/LPMVWXL]
Frequency: monthly


Instruments [INSTRUMENTS]
M3 (estimate of EMU aggregate for the UK) [LM3EMU]
Instrument Currency [INSTRUMENT_CURRENCY]
Sterling and all foreign currencies [T]
Of Sector [OF_SECTOR]
Private and public sectors [PP]
Output In [OUTPUT_IN]
Sterling [£]
Seasonal Adjustment [SEASONAL_ADJUSTMENT]
Not seasonally adjusted [U]
Sector [SECTOR]
Monetary financial institutions [MFIS]
Type [TYPE]
Amounts outstanding [L]
Freq [freq]
Monthly [M]