Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to BIS (-)

Series ID: [BDF/RA_T/M.N.FR.5B.S121.S121.FC.FO.RT1.RT.F41A.TS.EUR.X1.N.N.ALL]
Frequency: monthly


Banque De France
Reserve assets template
Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to BIS (-) [BDF/RA_T/M.N.FR.5B.S121.S121.FC.FO.RT1.RT.F41A.TS.EUR.X1.N.N.ALL]


Frequency [FREQ]
Monthly [M]
Adjustment [ADJUSTMENT]
Neither seasonally nor working day adjusted [N]
Reference area - ISO2 [REF_AREA]
France [FR]
Counterpart area [COUNTERPART_AREA]
BIS (Bank for International Settlements) [5B]
Reference sector [REF_SECTOR]
Central bank [S121]
Counterpart sector [COUNTERPART_SECTOR]
Central bank [S121]
Flows and stocks indicator [FLOW_STOCK_ENTRY]
Future Flows, contingent [FC]
Accounting entries [ACCOUNTING_ENTRY]
Outflows (reserves template) [FO]
International accounts item [INT_ACC_ITEM]
Reserves Template, principal and accrued interest/coupon [RT1]
Functional category [FUNCTIONAL_CAT]
Reserve template [RT]
Instrument and assets classification [INSTR_ASSET]
Credit lines; unconditional, undrawn [F41A]
Maturity [MATURITY]
All original maturities with short-term residual maturity (up to 1 year) [TS]
Unit of measure [UNIT_MEASURE]
Euro [EUR]
Currency denominator [CURRENCY_DENOM]
All currencies except national currency [X1]
Valuation [VALUATION]
Nominal value [N]
Compiliation methodology [COMP_METHOD]
Compilation methodology applied for national statistics [N]
Structural and locational characteristics of the statistical unit [TYPE_ENTITY]