GG - Consolidated - Assets - Stock - Debt securities - >1year

Series ID: [BDF/QFAGG/Q.N.FR.W0.S13._Z.C.A.LE.F3.L._Z.XDC._T.S.V.N._T]
Frequency: quarterly


Banque de France
Quarterly financial accounts for the public sector.
GG - Consolidated - Assets - Stock - Debt securities - >1year [BDF/QFAGG/Q.N.FR.W0.S13._Z.C.A.LE.F3.L._Z.XDC._T.S.V.N._T]


Frequency [FREQ]
Quarterly [Q]
Adjustment indicator code list [ADJUSTMENT]
Neither seasonally nor working day adjusted [N]
Reference country or area [REF_AREA]
France [FR]
Reference country or area [COUNTERPART_AREA]
World (all areas, including reference area, including IO) [W0]
Institutional sector code list [REF_SECTOR]
General government [S13]
Institutional sector code list [COUNTERPART_SECTOR]
Not applicable [_Z]
Consolidation codes [CONSOLIDATION]
Consolidate [C]
Accounting entry [ACCOUNTING_ENTRY]
Assets (Net Acquisition of) [A]
Stocks, transactions, other flows [STO]
Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks [LE]
Financial instruments and assets [INSTR_ASSET]
Debt securities [F3]
Maturity [MATURITY]
Long-term original maturity (over 1 year or no stated maturity) [L]
Not applicable [_Z]
Unit code list [UNIT_MEASURE]
Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fix parity) [XDC]
Unit code list [CURRENCY_DENOM]
All currencies of denomination [_T]
Valuation [VALUATION]
Standard valuation based on ESA2010/SNA2008 [S]
Prices [PRICES]
Current prices [V]
Transformation codes [TRANSFORMATION]
Non transformed data [N]
Custom breakdown code list [CUST_BREAKDOWN]
Total [_T]