Average outstanding at 31/12 of the PEA (Personnal equity plan with tax exemption) whose cumulated instalments between 50 and 75 % ceiling

Frequency: annual


Frequency [FREQ]
Annual [A]
Type de PEA [TYPE_PEA]
Plans d`Épargne en Actions [PEA]
Type information [TYPE_INFO_PEA]
Encours moyen [EM]
Situation du PEA [SITUATION_PEA]
En cours au 31/12 [V]
Echéance du PEA [ECHEANCE_PEA]
Plans en cours au 31/12 total [TT]
Position versements [VERSEMENTS_PEA]
75 000 (112 500 ) < Cumul versements <= 112 500 (168 750 ) [V3]