New lendings, non-financial corporations, up to 1 million euro, seasonally-adjusted flows

Series ID: [BDF/MIR1/M.FR.B.A20.A.5.0.2240U6.EUR.N]
Frequency: monthly


Frequency [FREQ]
Monthly [M]
Area code list [REF_AREA]
France [FR]
Balance sheet reference sector breakdown [BS_REP_SECTOR]
Credit and other institutions (MFI except MMFs and central banks) [B]
Balance sheet item [BS_ITEM]
Loans [A20]
Original maturity [MATURITY_ORIG]
Total [A]
IR Data type [DATA_TYPE_MIR]
monthly flows seasonally adjusted [5]
Amount category [AMOUNT_CAT]
Up to and including EUR 1 million [0]
Balance sheet counterpart sector [BS_COUNT_SECTOR]
Domestic non financial corporations [2240U6]
Currency code list [CURRENCY_TRANS]
Euro [EUR]
IR business coverage [IR_BUS_COV]
New business [N]