Percentage of the capital of CAC 40 resident companies held by non-residents

Series ID: [BDF/DET/A.FR.11C2.F51100.M.Z9.8.F]
Frequency: annual


Frequency [FREQ]
Annual [A]
Reference area - ISO2 [REF_AREA]
France [FR]
ESA95 sector [ESA95_SECTOR]
Resident CAC 40 corporations [11C2]
ESA95 account [ESA95_ACCOUNT]
Quoted shares [F51100]
Valuation - MUFA Context [MUFA_VALUATION]
ESA95 valuation [M]
Counterpart area [COUNT_AREA]
Rest of the World (Z9) [Z9]
Data type - BoP related data [DATA_TYPE_BOP]
Outstanding amounts at the end of the period (stocks) [8]
Data type [ESA95TP_DENOM]
Percentage [F]